"Reflections_I Give Thanks!"®
Dedicated to Mom and Dad!
Don Victor and Dona Esperanza
From the Very Depth of my soul, with all my love, gratitud, respect and eternal devotion
Don Victor and Dona Esperanza
From the Very Depth of my soul, with all my love, gratitud, respect and eternal devotion
Mom, Dad and I on a night out 'celebrating Life" in Los Angeles California
While falling asleep, in a cold winter's night in my parents home in Eagle Rock California, thinking of Dad, Mom and the great significance, that their loving care and guidance, had always meant to me, a multitude of beautiful images invaded my mind, compelling me to sit down to write; leaving thus as witness, on the white sheets of paper and black ink, a written expression of my "Reflections" and 'Sentiments of Love and Gratitude', for 'everything I had to that very moment received,
and would continue to harvest, during the course
of my fortunate existence. RBG ®
While falling asleep, in a cold winter's night in my parents home in Eagle Rock California, thinking of Dad, Mom and the great significance, that their loving care and guidance, had always meant to me, a multitude of beautiful images invaded my mind, compelling me to sit down to write; leaving thus as witness, on the white sheets of paper and black ink, a written expression of my "Reflections" and 'Sentiments of Love and Gratitude', for 'everything I had to that very moment received,
and would continue to harvest, during the course
of my fortunate existence. RBG ®
"Dedicated from the Depth of my Soul, with all my Love, Gratitude, Respect and Eternal Devotion to Dad and Mom, Whom I'll Adore Beyond my Very Last Breath"
"Reflections_I Give Thanks"®
"I Give Thanks"_"Doy Gracias"-“Je Dis Merci”_"Vi Ringrazio Molto"
Roxanna Bonilla-Giannini
"I Give Thanks..."
For Our "God" and Our "Holly Mother Mary" here on earth; my dearest Mama, my loving Papa. For Hope, Humility and Victory. My grandparents, my loved ones, for the laughter and the tears that
together we have shared.
For the abundance of love I have received and I have given; the sweetness that life has gifted me with, and the sad moments that have made me more human; for having kept within my heart the capacity received
at birth by every human soul, to love deeply, intensely and unconditionally; the joy to be able to unselfishly, without borders, created interests, labels or prejudice, freely share and exchange
with my fellow men and women, true affections, complicity,
knowledge and mutual respect.
I Give Thanks for the privilege within my capacities, to serve, protect and be useful to any living creature; for never having harbored rancor in my soul, or known the feeling of hate; for my teachers, diverse as the colors of the Rainbow; the people that have given me the gift of a smile, a good word of advise or a kind hand; and for the others, that perhaps without meaning to, have hurt me, and by doing so I hope,
have also inspired in me, to better understand, become more compassionate,
tolerant and a better person.
I Give Thanks for life, for the magic splendor in 'Mother Nature'; the beautiful wild little flowers, that generously and without asking for anything in return, give their beauty, color and humble fragrance to my path; for the amazing and diverse wonders in the beauty of 'The Animal Kingdom', it's poweful animals; the many defenseless little creatures, and multicolored little birds,
that lull me with their singing.
I Give Thanks for the beautiful and glorious rainbow; the wind softly caressing my cheeks, while ever so gently weaving my hair; the blue sky that gives me refuge; the sun that bathes my body in gold and warmth every morning; the stars that illuminate my path; and the moon that covers me with it's silver cloak.
I give thanks for the immense ocean that inflames me, and for the rain, that pure and crystal-like
kisses my body, leaving my skin soft and sweetly scented.
I Give Thanks for the splendor and darkness in our human condition, which not unlike 'Nature Herself',
is beautiful, dangerous, capricious and generous, diverse, colorful and unpredictable. For being
part of 'our unique & privileged human race'. The wealth and diversity of the cultures and
customs of 'our people'; who by allowing me to learn, share, and be part of their hopes,
joys, sorrows, victories, art, music and language, immeasurably enrich my life,
filling with rapture my brief earthly existence.
I Give Thanks for having received at birth, like all my 'brothers and sisters' of this world, 'The Divine Breath of Life', and for the loving and wise guidance Mom and Dad gave to each and every one of my steps on my life's journey, clearly showing me the difference, between doing right from wrong, or simply
remaining cold and indifferent.
Last but not least, I Give Thanks for the distinctive blessing of awakening with the re-birth of
each day, and for the gift that God has bestowed upon me, allowing me to be born
and live till this hour of today.®
Roxanna Bonilla-Giannini